Monday, April 26, 2010

Amost could not make it!

10 years old

Pinky has now turned 10! He will soon start his puberty stage. We are so nervous about, because he has already done some uncomfortable qustions, which are very hard to answer. It was tough but we managed to answer the all and clear his doubts. By him being a boy and be sorrrounded of women it must be hard on him to ask things and clear his man concerning doubts but fortunately we've all built a solid, comfortable, and trustful relationship. As he is growing he is also finding himself and defining his personality. Hes been a fan of soccer and music sinc he was just a little boy and still cherish this passion. Ever since he met the new born puppies of his cousin Isabelle he's been saying, demanding really, he needs a dog! We've thought about it and decided to give him one of the new borns he'd just met, but shh it'll be a surprise.

Answer to question #6
Pinky found 1 million lmps.with a phone number with it. I would dial the phone number out of mere curiosity and depending on its response decide what o do with the money. Pinky would have given it to me and suggestd what we should do, which I suppose its the same thing i had in mind. But that all depends on Pinky's own perspective and this is due to the social contract and individual rights. At this stage, people begin to account for the differing values, opinions, and beliefs of other people. Rules of law are important for maintaining a society, but members of the society should agree upon these standards.

9 years old

We are so proud and admired of how Pinky has grown! He shows more responsibility, independence, obedience, and ability to get along with others. Feelings of empathy and altruism are apparent in him, and he is a good and devoted friend. Just now he was making a little gift for his friend Jake and felt really thrilled about how happy he was going to make him feel. Pinky is no quite self-sufficient, he does his homeworks without been told, tries to maintain things in order and even helps prepare his meals.He's mature now, he recognizes when he has done wrong, but also when he has failed to do right. He will confess to us when he has done wrong, because his conscience bothers him until he does. He is somewhat less likely to try to blame or excuse his actions, but still uses these tactics when he is embarrassed or ashamed.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

8 years old...

At this age the problems we've come to deal with are not many yet still drain us thoroughly.He ha been having a later bedtime. He has to be reminded to go to bed and puts it off as long as possible.He sleeps soundly and rarely has nightmares.Enjoys going to places and doing things, any activity that involves being with others, especially us,his family. He loves being at school, playing with friends, belonging to clubs, and moving from one activity to another all day long. He has incorporated to the soccer and basketball team. He absolutely loves; is getting really good at it and making many new friends.Because he's experiencing a lot of changes he can be rude, obnoxious, critical, and impatient at times . He thinks that he knows more than he really does, and comes off as a know-it-all. This is a bit of a hard stage of his growth it is now when he's beginning to develop a subjective psychological conception of himself. He is just beginning to be aware of a separate inner experience and outward appearance. It is also the age when social comparison becomes a basis of self-evaluation.

He is now 7!!

At the age of seven Pinky is now starting the concret operational stage, which lasts from ages 7 to 11. This what means,basically is that he can now think logically, use it; like all anlogies, and perform mathemathical transformation also known as reversibility. It is applied to Pinky because he is going through this stage right now, but he isn't quite exactly enjoying it, because like all of our family what he truly detest is math. Formal operational stage is also occuring to him, this is when he is able to reason abstractly. He makes logical inquerences about his observations. Apart from that nothing much has changed, this is a period of refinement, when coordination improves and fine motor skills are sharpened.

A 6 year old now!

Pinky is now 6 years old and graduating from kindergarden. He received an award for being so caring and a great leader. He feels like a big boy and wants to be independent. But there are many times when he is not a big boy. For instance he is very messy and keeps leaving all his stuff scattered all over the house; also it is always troublesome to make him take a shower, brush his teeth or even wash his hands.

Answer to question # 4
Once Pinky made a big tantrum in the airport and everyone was in awe and staring. I felt so mad, but managed to control myself and be authoritative, so he would understand and act comprehensibly and obedient about it. I explained the situation to him and what would be the consequences of his actions and why.

I fed the baby!

I was sleeping when I heard the baby cry! While changing his diapers he almost pees on me, the fountain was with energy. I gave him the bottled and waited so he could finish and went back to sleep.

Pinky's 14th Birthday Party!

Pinky is turning 14 and He needs new cloth he has grown two heads taller in three month. He told me he wanted money to buy new cloth but I don’t trust him that well he will probably buy something else so I went with him. While he was trying pants I decided to take a look at objects for him, but did not have any luck and I thought I may ask one of his friends to tell me what would he like. I thought about any friend of his and I did not know any. While he was trying shirts I asked him about his friends and he did not answer. When buying the cloth I asked him if he had any friends, he said he did but that I may not like them. I decided to check his contacts in his cell phone and saw the ones he called the most, I wanted to make a surprise party for pinky. I called four friends and told them to call more peers to go to his surprise. In his birthday he was sad because no one wanted to do something with him so I took him to buy an expensive, neat cloth for him to wear in any party. When it was seven we went to the place where a restaurant/disco is. I send him first to go in. When I came in I saw his happy face with almost everyone surrounding him.

Answer to question #7
Pinky wanted to go to a party were there would be no adults, this was a difficult decision to make. We've considered ourselves to be authoritative parents up until now, but we didn't know what to do. At the end we thought it through and decided that he would be able to go, but he would have a strict curfew and we talked to him about the precautions he has to take and that he must be responsible.

5 years old!

Pinky is now five, so he will start to go to kindergarden! At first he was a bit hasty about being there left alone with stranger because the common separation stress. After a week of assiting, he completely loves it! He wakes up really energetic and starts planning what he is going  to do and with he is going to play. He especially enjoys the dramatic plays, puppet shows and physical education class. A great thing for us is that he comes a bit tired from kindergarden and takes a nap, not long enough though. Then comes meal time, which he also loves, that's when he's starts narrating everything that happened at school and at 8 comes his bed time.

Answer to question # 2
They called us from the nursery because Pinky got in a fight with another kid over their water bottle. This is silly but both children are in this preoperational stage in which they are very egocentric and believe everything revolves around them and that they have the right to believe this. This must be resolved with a simple yet clear talk with little Pinky, but we must keep in mind that this is a phase and that it'll go away.

Age 15, I thought it would take longer but here comes a girl!

At age 15 I took Pinky to Europe, because it was holy week and we thought we would have a good time, also i thought it would be a good place for Pinky to meet new people. That was a mistake, it took him only 2 days after we arrived for him to meet a girl and actually start to like her! Pinky came up to me and said, Mom i like this girl and i think that i want to date her! He only had to spend one day at the Eiffel tower with her to start to like her! They went to a party, which i didnt completely approve, and they came back very late. When he came back he looked very happy. Ahhh teens! and i thought i knew what went on in their heads!

Answer to question # 9
Some of the challenges a teen parent deals with are plenty. The parent in question is a child that will be raising another child. The needed maturity is not there yet, and experience is also needed. Many are the sacrifices that a teen parent must make. For instance missing out on the experiences of a normal teenager and not enough money, a work ,or the education needed to take care of child.


Expense            Start Age           End Age                Annual Cost

Housing  .............  0    ................. 18  ................... 2297

Food  ..................  0    ................ 18   ................... 1430

Transportation ........0   ................ 18  ..................... 1050

Clothing ................  0    ............... 18  .................... 407

Healthcare .............. 0  ................ 18  .................... 598

Childcare/Education .. 5  ............... 18  .................. 742

Miscellaneous  ........... 0  ............. 18  ................... 712

College   ...................  0  ............ 22  .................... 30367

Cost for first year (excluding college) is $7,236

Total cost is $248,006

4 years old!

Pinky is now calling everything by it's name. Pauline was so excited when he said completely clear mommy, and so was granny, it was so cute! He even understands when were talking about him and knows if its about (for instance) his mom even if we are saying her name. He is very smart and we are also getting to know his personality. He is very impatient and perfeccionist like he's father and caring, honest and sweet like his mmother. He is very outgoingan, inventing and a true leader. Though he sometimes shows his part of his age egocentric side, he likes to share and cares about others.
Here he is in this picture with his cousin Isabelle, whom he likes a lot.

Answer to question # 5
It's time of our planned picnic and I can't find Pinky's teddy bear. I'm was so desperate, I didn't know what to do because he will start to cry nonstop. So, before he started asking for him, I have no idea how but i came up with a story about his teddy bear needing to return to his family and that had left a gift for him to always remember and it was another teddy bear look alike. I was impressed but it worked!

Pinky's Second year !!

Pinky is 11 months and he has now left crawling behind and is starting to walk! He looks so cute stumbling everywhere and still making it to the other side to reach his teddy. Although we've got to prepare ourselves because gone are the days of simply eating and sleeping.He now has a distinct way of expressing himself. The range of his emotions is seemingly endless. He's now in the beginning of the sensorimotor stage, where babies take in the world purely  through their senses, this is why he needs to get going to daycare; so his cognitive development gets reinforced. going to day care, Pinky will be able to fully develop his meditation ability, which means he'll think about more than just the objects that are around him.,,pd23,00.html

Pinky's 3rd birthday !

Pinky has now turned 3! At this age is were the preoperational stage begins. this when the child will develop to use symbols and apply this ability to symbolize with objects, to people. by the end of this stage, the child will understand the conceptof conservation. This is when children in the preoperational stage are egocentric, unable to take on another's point of view. All of his egocentrism is really annoying but in this cases patience and understandment is needed. For instance when we were in my other nephew's birthday and he didnt wanted to give the present to him and made a big scene. But there's a bright side to this, due to Pinky already being 3 and physically mature to leave the diapers behind, he is now completely toilet trainned! =D


Feeding Time!

I was in the computer doing my homework and I heard Pinky cry again and this time I went to the kitchen first to warm his milk. I changed his diapers while the milk was cooling a little and feed him!

I Fed the Baby!

When cooking the baby started crying I asked to myself what is that annoying voice when I noticed it was the baby I regretted saying annoying. The baby was pink and cute I calmed him down and gave him his milk.

Age 13!

At the age 13 I had been noticing that his shoes are too small for him, he is complaining that his fingers are hurting. We went to buy new shoes. When coming back he went to his room, I suppose to change his old shoes to the new ones. I knocked his door to see how he was and he said not now. I had noticed his grades were dropping. This time I knocked his door and opened it and I saw him hiding something and I told him “What ever you have there give it to me!” he saw my face, I was angry, he looked down and sigh. It was an ID card I took it from him and said stay in your room for 30 min. I went out of his room and thought for what would he use the ID and of course. I went to his room and ground him for a month. This time I put a camera on his window and did not let him out of the house except with me or with Vivian. I said to myself I was not letting drink and get addicted to it.

Age 12 and more problems!

Pinky turned 12 six months ago and today morning I saw him grabbing another sheet for the bed. I did not say anything but pretend to be asleep. One day I woke up and went to check up on Pinky he was not home his bed was not touched during the night, I was scared that he would run away or that he sneak out and someone kidnapped him. I called he did not answer then call again and a sleepy voice sounded, it was Pinky I asked where he was he told me he did not know, but that he will find a way to go back home, but then he laughed and said I forgot I was in a friends house party, I asked where and went to find him. He ricked of alcohol, the first thing I did was undress him living him only with his boxers and pushed him into the shower and I told him that next time he will have to communicate more and tell where he was going. Pinky had stopped communicating but now what just happened I will make him tell me more and about what is happening in his life.


The Age of 11!

Pinky is changing; he turned 11 he is starting adolescence. Adolescence is a time of change throughout the body. Pinky is starting to have hair in his face and I had no idea how to shave so we went to by brother so he can explain how and what to do and what not to do. When going back home I asked him if he wanted to go for an ice-cream he thought and said with his cell phone in hand that his friends are going to the mall and he was going. I left him in the entrance of the mall and said to me “this is a big change”. In Sunday we used to watch rented movies, I called Pinky so that we could all watch it together Pinky. He denied and said he was watching it later that he had to finish doing something in the computer.


Birth Certificate

Name: Pinky Ethan Haimes Santos
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: 4/11/10
Weight: 6 lb
Hospital: Hospital Cemesa
Parents: Vivian Santos; Pauline Haimes
Age: 5 Months

When we receive the Birth Certificate we went back home and change his dippers.

Pinky's First year !!

My brother had been heads over heels with my friend Pauline since he first laid eyes on her. Pauline played hard to get but finally fell for him also. They were high school sweethearts and got married right after college. They had one year of being married when they ere expecting a baby! Right after the two weeks of the zygote stage, the first stage of prenatal development, and my brother died while driving home excited by the news.
Pauline was as devasted as I was and not strong enough to deal with my mom’s explosive temperament, who offered to help, so we decided both of us were going to take care of the baby.
The embryo stage lasted about 6 weeks and finally by the ninth week we could finally see the fetus! We were all very worried of any teratogen, harmful agents to the prenatal environment that the baby could have. Especially because of Pauline’s severe alcoholism due to the loss of the love of her life. We were truly lucky that the baby was born completely healthy and didn’t even suffer fetal alcohol syndrome. Thank goodness the baby was just perfect; he was 6 pounds and 20 inches!

Answer to question #1
The baby nursery took a lot of time and was a heck lot of job, but it was all worth it. It is painted with different tones of blue, green and yellow, lots of paintings and photographs of the family and complex, musical crib mobiles. All of this to help him develop strong and healthy.

Feeding Time!

Its feeding time!! hope the baby's hungry!


I fed the baby for the first time! He woke me up at 8, so I grabbed him and tried to calm him. When he calmed himself I went and warmed his milk, and went to the crib and put him in. I waited for Pinky to finish his milk and went back to sleep.